One of Cebu's Best Kept Secret

is a Secret no More...

Three hundred year's of Spanish

Presence in the Philippines have

left an indelible mark on Filipino

cultures.Christianity, a penhant for

colorfull fiestas, and soial values

suh as palabra de honor (word

of honor) remain alive in the country

today. And thankfully, so is symptuosly

rich spanish cuisine.

If you're looking for culinary gem

that whips up spanish meals tucked

away in a quiet back street,somewhere

in Cebu, then trust Arano's to fill your


Senor Angel Ibarlucea y Arano, ther

Restaurant's rey de la coina (King of

Kichen), makes sure that every

Arano's patrin leaves feeling satisfied

Don't ask him his reommmended dishes,

though.It's like asking a father to play

favorites among his children.

''Lami Tanan'' (everything is delicious),

''he guarantees in vernacular, his

adapted toungue. Originally from

spain's Basque region, Senor Angel

arrived in Cebu's shores in 1964.

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  1. Joel Says:

    Hey, I had a great time reading your website. Do you have an email address that I can contact you on? Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.

